
Wrapper utilities for sizing images with the aspect-ratio property, can be applied to individual containers for single images or a grid container for multiple images.


Single images

Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees
Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees
Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees
Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees
Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees
Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees
Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees
Example HTML
<figure class="auto">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees" width="300">

<figure class="landscape">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees" width="300">

<figure class="landscape-sm">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees" width="300">

<figure class="landscape-xs">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees" width="300">

<figure class="passport">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees" width="150">

<figure class="portrait">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees" width="150">

<figure class="portrait-sm">
<img src="/img/docs/winter-forest-300.webp" alt="Snow covered clearing in forest with shadows from sunlight filtering through distant tall trees" width="150">

Multiple images

The utilities can be used on wrapper elements to create a grid gallery of all child images within, the following example uses the grid utilities from the grids & gaps module.

A rocky stream next to a small copse of pinetrees on a grassy bank A red fox with one eye blue and the other brown looking directly at camera View of distant mountains and valleys scenery bathed in hazy sunlight A small white and brown bird with orange chest colors sitting on a tree branch
Example HTML
<div class="passport grid g-2-sm g-4 gap-3 mb-3">
<img src="/img/docs/rocky-stream-480.webp" alt="A rocky stream next to a small copse of pinetrees on a grassy bank">
<img src="/img/docs/red-fox-480.webp" alt="A red fox with one eye blue and the other brown looking directly at camera">
<img src="/img/docs/hazy-mountains-480.webp" alt="View of distant mountains and valleys scenery bathed in hazy sunlight">
<img src="/img/docs/bird-on-branch-480.webp" alt="A small white and brown bird with orange chest colors sitting on a tree branch">

Inline styling

The aspect-ratio for the utilities are provided by a CSS variable that can be used to customize the ratio inline, it can be used to adjust any of utility classes above to individual images and/or on the grid wrapper to be applied to all images.

Sand dunes in desert with blue sky background
--aspect-ratio: 5 / 1;
Distant sand dunes in desert with blue sky background
--aspect-ratio: 5 / 2;
Wind rippled desert sands with distant sand dunes with blue sky and moon in background
--aspect-ratio: 5 / 3;
Example HTML
<figure class="auto" style="--aspect-ratio: 5 / 1;">
<img src="/img/docs/desert-300.webp" alt="Sand dunes in desert with blue sky background" width="300">
<figcaption><code>--aspect-ratio: 5 / 1;</code></figcaption>

<figure class="auto" style="--aspect-ratio: 5 / 2;">
<img src="/img/docs/desert-300.webp" alt="Distant sand dunes in desert with blue sky background" width="300">
<figcaption><code>--aspect-ratio: 5 / 2;</code></figcaption>

<figure class="auto" style="--aspect-ratio: 5 / 3;">
<img src="/img/docs/desert-300.webp" alt="Wind rippled desert sands with distant sand dunes with blue sky and moon in background" width="300">
<figcaption><code>--aspect-ratio: 5 / 3;</code></figcaption>

Using the module

Add the sassmods.scss to your custom styles as below then include the Sass mixin anywhere below.

@use "sassmods/scss/sassmods" as *;
@include images-css;

Using the framework

Enable the module in the sassmods-system.scss document as below.

$enable-images: true;


The source code is a self-contained Sass document that compiles the style modules as Sass mixins.

//  ------------------------------------------------------------
//  Images
//  ------------------------------------------------------------
@use "../../configuration" as *;

@if $enable-images {

.auto, .passport, .landscape, .landscape-sm, .landscape-xs, .portrait, .portrait-sm {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: var(--gtc);
  max-inline-size: var(--width);

:where(.auto, .passport, .landscape, .landscape-sm, .landscape-xs, .portrait, .portrait-sm) img {
  object-fit: cover;
  aspect-ratio: var(--aspect-ratio);
  height: 100%;

.auto {
  --aspect-ratio: auto;

.passport {
  --aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;

.landscape {
  --aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;

.landscape-sm {
  --aspect-ratio: 3 / 1;

.landscape-xs {
  --aspect-ratio: 4 / 1;

.portrait {
  --aspect-ratio: 3 / 4;

.portrait-sm {
  --aspect-ratio: 4 / 6;

} // END [if/images]