Theme switch

Manually switch between color-schemes whilst still respecting user preferences for light or dark mode viewing.


Requires the script loaded in the <head> prior to the CSS negates FOUC when changing or refreshing pages, the HTML button with the same attributes as the example below.


Adapted Adam Argyle's Building a theme switch component script to use an inline style on the <html> attribute.

const storageKey = "theme-preference",

onClick = () => {
  (theme.value = "light" === theme.value ? "dark" : "light"), 
getColorPreference = () => (localStorage.getItem(storageKey) 
  ? localStorage.getItem(storageKey) 
  : window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)")
    .matches ? "dark" : "light"),
setPreference = () => {
  localStorage.setItem(storageKey, theme.value),
reflectPreference = () => {"color-scheme", theme.value);
theme = {
  value: getColorPreference()


(window.onload = () => {
    document.querySelector("#themes").addEventListener("click", onClick);
window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").addEventListener("change", ({matches: e}) => {
  (theme.value = e ? "true" : "false"),
<button id="themes">Theme switch</button>

The script detects a users viewing preference plus remembers the selection made if using the switch button, it then adds inline color-scheme style attributes to the <html> tag depending on the current color-scheme.

// If light
<html lang="en" style="color-scheme: light;">
// If dark
<html lang="en" style="color-scheme: dark;">

Without extra CSS the user-agent light and dark mode styles will be used and as demonstrated with some of the SassMods styles the user-agent colors can be applied with CSS color-mix() values for consistent site styling.

Using the module

Add the sassmods.scss to your custom styles as below then include the Sass mixin anywhere below.

@use "sassmods/scss/sassmods" as *;
@include theme-switch-css;

Using the framework

Enable the module in the sassmods-system.scss document as below, if required customize the styles or the Sass variables for the default property values directly in the source code (see below)

$enable-theme-switch: true;


The source code is a self-contained Sass document that compiles the style modules as Sass mixins using Sass variables provided for the core property values that can be customized as described above.


The icon styles with the theme switch replicate those included with the icons which can also be used in conjunction with the theme switch styles if preferred.

// ---------------------------------------------------------- 
// Theme switch
// ----------------------------------------------------------
$light-scheme-icon:   url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns=''><path d='m7.47 0v2.26h1.15v-2.26zm-4.9 2.19-0.812 0.8 1.62 1.6 0.812-0.8zm10.8 0-1.62 1.6 0.812 0.8 1.62-1.6zm-5.29 1.25s-4.59 0-4.59 4.52c0 4.52 4.59 4.52 4.59 4.52s4.59 0 4.59-4.52c0-4.52-4.59-4.52-4.59-4.52zm5.67 3.92v1.13h2.3v-1.13zm-13.7 0.0243v1.13h2.3v-1.13zm3.01 4-1.62 1.6 0.812 0.8 1.62-1.6zm9.99 0-0.812 0.8 1.62 1.6 0.812-0.8zm-5.54 2.36v2.26h1.15v-2.26z'/></svg>") !default;
$dark-scheme-icon:    url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg viewBox='0 0 16 16' fill='currentColor' xmlns=''><path d='m5.27 1c-0.533 0.0926-0.946 0.529-1.39 0.815-1.17 0.88-1.95 2.19-2.46 3.54-0.777 2.03-0.429 4.41 0.861 6.16 1.41 1.98 3.67 3.56 6.18 3.49 1.98-0.0388 3.86-0.991 5.28-2.33 0.48-0.565 0.971-1.16 1.27-1.84 0.089-0.435-0.481-0.742-0.809-0.456-1.61 0.937-3.67 1.22-5.37 0.365-1.52-0.764-2.79-2.04-3.55-3.55-0.871-1.73-0.56-3.83 0.411-5.45 0.187-0.304-0.0437-0.726-0.4-0.734z'/></svg>") !default;

@mixin theme-switch-css {

[style="color-scheme: light;"] #themes {
  --svg: #{$light-scheme-icon};
[style="color-scheme: dark;"] #themes {
  --svg: #{$dark-scheme-icon};

#themes:before {
  display: inline-block;
  content: "";
  block-size: 1em;
  inline-size: 1em;  
  vertical-align: -.12em;
  background-color: var(--ico, buttontext);
  mask-image: var(--svg);
  mask-repeat: no-repeat;

#themes span {
  position: absolute;
  block-size: 1px;
  inline-size: 1px;
  margin: -1px;
  overflow: hidden;
  clip-path: inset(50%);
  white-space: nowrap;

} // end theme-switch-css